Navy Base

Wednesday Night Chapel Services

Join us for the next step in your faith, and experience God through worship, hearing the good news of God's Word, and learning to live an overcoming life.
Wednesday Chapel Services are open to: sailors AND their families and all base personnel.
Nursery and ministry for kids during the services will also be available.
Great words of encouragement have been shared at the Wednesday night chapel services. We have learned that in our journey of knowing God more, there are some important ships we need to be on! Click the video below to find out more. 
Location:  All Faith Chapel
Blandy Ave, Bldg 02601
NAWS China Lake, CA 93555
Time: 1830 hrs - 2000 hrs

Desert Christian Center's
Sailor Adoption Program

Psalm 68:6 ~ "God sets the solitary in families"

DCC Sailor Adoption Program (DSAP) is an outreach for military personnel and their families. Many of them are stationed at China Lake far away from those they love.  This program helps them develop new, healthy and strong relationships, and it helps guide them through the issues of life, such as parenting, marriage, isolation, and everyday challenges.

Sign me up in the Sailor Adoption Program

Please fill out the form below to get started.