
DCC Women's Ministry

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

The women's ministry at DCC is led by Sharon Vinson-Flores. The heart behind the ministry is to provide an atmosphere where women are loved, accepted and cared for, and can grow in their relationship with the Lord and with one another. We desire that women come to know and believe who God has created them to be and that they are equipped to spread the love of God into their families, their work places, the community, and even into other parts of the world.

Our Gathering Times

Once a month, all the ladies of DCC  meet on a Saturday morning at 9 am  for breakfast and have the opportunity to hear a special message.  Sometimes, you will find on the calendar a "fun" event on a Friday evening. We also have various women's Bible studies on different days/times during the week. Please click the "Events" button or fill out the form below for more information. 

RIM Women's Conference 2025

This year our conference will be held at Rancho Christian Center. More details and registration will be coming very soon! Please be praying into this time and be making plans to attend. You won't want to miss it. Powerful things take place as God's women meet together to hear His voice! Click the link below to find previous messages from past conferences.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about DCC's women's ministry, please fill out the form below.